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Sep 25, 2007 07:11 GMT  ·  By

A lot of users have problems with their account getting hacked. It’s one thing when a hacker uses skills and malware to get to your login credential, but when he or she can guess your password, then, it’s a bit your fault as well. When you can’t help getting hijacked it’s one thing, but setting an easy to guess password is quite a bad choice. Of course, not all accounts require super-secure passwords, but you are advised to come up with unbreakable ones for your most important accounts.

But first of all, let’s see what is an insecure password? Well, you have an unsafe one when your name is George and your password is "george" ?" that’s really insecure. Then, there are other passwords that include more personal data or that are referred to things that you like. You shouldn’t use as a password the name of the team everyone knows you like. Don’t think you’re secure if your password is "Manchester". There are some words that some people expect you to use as passwords, because they are some of your favorite things ?" don’t use them! Also, do not have the same password as your account name! That is insecure as well.

Now, what is a safe password? Well, it’s one that nobody would ever think of. If you get a password like "gnn17gt16a" nobody is ever going to guess it. The not so funny part is that you might forget it as well, which is something you’d never want to happen. But then, you can go and set a password that you can remind. Of course, one that includes both letters and numbers is more secure ?" if you chose something like "pizza16pizza16" it’s easy to remember and hard to crack ?" just make sure that you are not related to either pizza, or the number 16. Of course, that was just an example, for you to get the basic idea, don’t use that one! And then, there’s the safest type of password I can think of: use many characters, go as far as 25 if you want to make it unbreakable, use both numbers and letters, and make it something nobody would ever think of. An example would be: "th1s1smypassw0rd1ownyou", but of course you can always go with something like "al10sk29dj38fh47h56" ?" now that’s hard to break!