Pocket-sized solution for recharging batteries

Dec 18, 2008 09:00 GMT  ·  By

It looks more and more like we're headed for that situation in which anything rechargeable can be energized by pretty much anything else, and the USB Battery Charger is the perfect example to support such an assertion. There is no need to say once more how useful AA cells are and how many gadgets and devices we're using them for. Yet, all batteries are plagued by the same issue, namely the fact that they run out of power sooner or later, and either charging or replacing them are the only two solutions to be resorted to.

Of course, the easiest way to solve your problem is by buying some new ones, but that's not gonna help our environment. So, rechargeable batteries are one “greener” way to get the job done.

Nevertheless, carrying a bulky charger while on a business trip may not be an idea everybody is comfortable with. You might still need some AA cells in working condition, so what's the best option to consider? The USB Battery Charger is one small and very handy device, which can connect to absolutely any live USB port, no matter whether you're thinking about a laptop or a desktop system. It will accommodate 2 AA batteries, and will have them charged as you're tending to your common business

The USB Battery Charger comes with two rechargeable Ni-MH AA cells, and is ready for use straight from the box. Of course, you can still have a spare pair with you, in case you're some gadget-a-holic who can't or won't accept to be separated from his/her gadgets. This overall cool and functional idea has one minor flaw, as one might see, namely the two AA cells are rather heavy for the small dimensions of the USB port.

Now, if you've got a USB hub, things are just OK, because the charger will lay flat on something, but it's uncertain how much time the USB Battery Charger will last while plugged in mid-air in the back of your computer. Yet, for the price of $22, one can't have but good words for the USB Battery Charger.

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