Plus, it sports a built-in flashlight

Aug 6, 2007 14:11 GMT  ·  By

We live in a very dangerous world, so it's not such a bad idea to have a self-defense device available at hand at all-times. And while some people opt for the "heavy artillery" (namely firearms), most users go for less-lethal devices, as mace sprays and stun guns, which can incapacitate an opponent without actually taking his life, much like the Thunder-Stun you're about to see as follows, a stun-gun which can bring around 750,000 Volts of leverage to any confrontation.

The device works in a pretty simple manner, really. Thus, it incorporates a battery, as well as a discharge system that delivers between 200,000 and 750,000 Volts, depending on the model. Moreover, it's quite non-lethal, as the manufacturers inform us that its effect is strictly temporary and that it doesn't leave any psychological or physical damage.

The device is quite effective upon the possible aggressors. Thus, it works even through thick layers of clothing and might have various effects depending on the exposure period. Thus, if the assailant comes in contact with the Thunder-Stun for around 0.5 seconds, he/she will experience some pain, muscular contraction and shock. An 1-2 seconds exposure will result in muscle contraction and dazed mental state, while a 2-5 seconds shock will cause loss of balance and muscle control, as well as total mental confusion and disorientation.

The device also provides an enhanced level of security for the user, as it sports a system that prevents accidental discharges. Moreover, it is extremely portable, since it measures around 14 cm x 6 cm x 2.8 cm, at a weight of around 160 grams, and, as a bonus, it comes with a built-in flashlight, so the users will be able to find their way across the dark and dangerous alleys they're cruising in search of a victim for their Thunder-Stun.

The device is not even that expensive, as it is available at various retailers across the US for under $20, which is quite a small price to pay for one's own safety.

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