The next Sims 2 addon

Sep 18, 2005 14:38 GMT  ·  By

The Sims never rest. For some strange reason this game and its add-ons sell more than all the other games put together.

A swiss Sims lover discovered on his copy of "Sims 2: Nightlife" a small text that says "Die Sim Machen Geschaefte" which roughly translated means "Sims Do Business". Apparently, a game based on this theme is under development already, with the release date set to spring 2006.

We later found out the title is actually "The Sims 2: Open for Business" and probably will allow them (in fact you) to open their own business, such as a grocery store or whatever pleases your "sim" heart.

EA didn't confirm it yet but we are sure it's pretty much true. Such a game does makes sense, because the economic side of Sims hasn't been properly explored yet.

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