A very innovative device from Proporta

Aug 27, 2006 05:51 GMT  ·  By

The "war" of memory cards seems to have been won (at least for the time being) by the Secure Digital (SD) format, as these cards can now be found in a wide range of devices, from digital cameras to smartphones to PDAs. But these storage media are not quite perfect, one of their biggest drawbacks (and actually, of any type of memory card) is that they require a memory card reader (or an USB connection via the device they're inserted in) in order to transfer the data onto a computer. However, this situation is about to change, with the development by the Proporta company of the SD Card with Built-in USB.

Why is this card so special? Well, for starters, it features built-in USB adapter, so it can be plugged straight into a standard USB port on a computer for transferring the data, without the need for any supplementary adapters or wires. Moreover, it sports a storage space of 2 GB, quite enough for just about any data you might want to transfer.

The advantages of this device are quite clear, although they apply more in the case of devices that have external memory card ports. The SD Card with Built-in USB from Proporta costs around 109.95 dollars, which is quite OK, considering just how useful this little device could prove in quite a large number of situations.

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