Trailer for sequel of surprise Indonesian hit “The Raid” leaves you thirsty for more

Nov 7, 2013 15:51 GMT  ·  By

While the sequel's plot is still unknown, “The Raid 2: Berandal” just got an official trailer that is more shocking and insane that the first one. 

The video shows the main character, rookie police officer Rama, in a prison cell, punching like crazy a chalk outline on the wall. Short scenes from the movie, hints about what will happen next, are also mixed in for good measure.

The first movie, “The Raid: Redemption” confined all the action to one apartment building in Jakarta, Indonesia, where a group of cops were sent to take down a vast criminal network.

The 2011 original movie was described as a “whole mess of bone-crunching, face-pummeling, throat-slicing and fist-pounding awesomeness” by The Hollywood Reporter.

The sequel promises to be even better in this regard, expanding its horizon and doubling the action and the specific hand-to-hand combat. Check it out above but *please note that discretion is recommended for images of violence that might offend.

Director Gareth Evans' martial art picture is scheduled for release in US theaters in March, 2014.