Inka Pen from Inka Corporation

Aug 31, 2006 06:43 GMT  ·  By

I've always dreamed of being able to take notes while being underwater or while freezing my behind off in the winter cold, but there are a few (if any) writing devices that work in such extreme conditions. And one of the most interesting such gadgets is the Inka pen, manufactured by Inka Corporation, as it is able to write in the harshest of conditions, ranging from the scorching desert environment to very low temperatures and even under water.

But how is this possible? Well, the secret lies in the very special manufacturing technology. First of all, the pen is fabricated from high-strength aerospace-grade materials, the stainless steel barrel being hardened, CNC machined, center less ground then laser engraved. Moreover, it features a pressurized ink cartridge that allows the pen to work in just about any environment, at any temperature, altitude and angle of writing, but also underwater. Some other advantages worth mentioning are the very simple refill system as well as the built-in Delrin PDA tip, which could prove to be very useful whenever the normal styluses don't work.

The Inka pen measures 12.7 cm in length (while open), has a diameter of 0.95 cm, weighs 17 grams and works in the temperature range between -34 C degrees and 148 C degrees. Surprisingly, it's also quite cheap, being priced at just around 25 US dollars, quite a low sum considering just how versatile this pen is. Still, I can't help but wonder: on what surface is this pen going to write underwater? Not paper, anyway.

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