It all comes down to two major reasons

May 1, 2007 07:36 GMT  ·  By

What, you thought that the PS3 still had a shot at winning the console war? If you did, you're sadly mistaking because it's pretty much over for the next-gen console from Sony, as CNN takes somewhat of a final look over the PS3 console and its status today:

"...the eagerly-anticipated PlayStation 3 has already lost this round of the console wars to its Japanese rival, Nintendo's Wii (See "Why Wii Won," May). Since late last year, when both consoles were released, the Wii has consistently outsold the PS3 in every major market. Sony's PS3 is packed with costly gee-whiz features that turned out to be a drawback to consumers faced with choices."

As for Nintendo's Wii, the small, cheap and fun to play console, by the passing of each day it looks more and more like Drako Malfoy in Harry Potter. You know, everything's coming together, hitting all the right spots, can't go wrong..., evil laughter while Sony's PS3 slips into the mud.

"Nintendo's Wii simple, elegant design and low price are two reasons it's consistently outselling the PS3.For Nintendo, the number 3 company in the videogames business, it's a David-vs.-Goliath turnaround. For Kutaragi's team, who ruled the roost of this industry for 12 years, it's a shameful final defeat."

What worse way to step down from the position of Chairman and chief executive officer of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCEI), than when a console fails to sell? None. It's just a given, no one can do anything about it now.