This was a sorely needed device, during my first tablet ownership days

Aug 21, 2013 08:32 GMT  ·  By

One of the things the first tablet I owned definitely lacked was a stylus. Like so many others, one of the first Android apps I tried was a drawing app and let me tell you, while you can do a lot of things with your finger, drawing on your tablet isn't one of them.

Some time after, I got my second tablet and I made sure it came with its very own stylus so I could scribble away and be happy with my contribution to saving the trees.

For those of you that still haven't made the upgrade, though, here comes the nota ultrafine stylus: a stylus said to be compatible with all Android and iOS tablet apps.

With a tip that is only 3.7mm in size and made from electrically active silicon, it will definitely allow for greater precision and more detailed drawings than your typical, bigger stylus pen tips.

According to TechCrunch, the project has already completed its crowdfunding goal and will start shipping in January.