Apr 21, 2011 12:21 GMT  ·  By

Google is announcing that the revamped Analytics dashboard is now available to all users and in all languages supported by Analytics. The new Dashboard was launched last month and it has now became available to all users. However, it is not enabled by default and users are able to test it and switch back to the old interface easily.

"I’m very excited to announce that the new version of Google Analytics is now available to all Google Analytics users in all languages. When you sign into Google Analytics you’ll see a link to the new version in the top right of your account," Trevor Claiborne from the Google Analytics Team announced.

"If you haven’t, we encourage you to try the new version today. There’s a host of new features to help you do better analysis. We’re also constantly making updates to the new version," he said.

"You’ll continue to have access to both versions of Google Analytics, and you can switch between them at any time," he explained.

The new Google Analytics dashboard provides a fresh new interface as well as a more modular approach. Users are able to customize what tools they want to see and how to visualize certain data.

The new dashboard is based on widgets which can be grouped and placed together in any way that makes sense to the users. They can also choose to display the metrics that interest them in the most comprehensive ways such as Metric, Pie Chart, Timeline and Table.

There is also the possibility of having multiple dashboards which group certain metrics that belong together. This way, users can see the data which is relevant to them at a certain time.

Google moved remarkably fast with Google Analytics v5, it was only launched with a few testers about a month ago. But the team didn't waste any time and it's now available to all users for evaluation and testing.