The radios are made in Indonesia, but marketed in Japan

Jun 27, 2007 09:50 GMT  ·  By

I don't know why all the major radio manufacturers began to embed their items in wood, but I don't mind that at all. It is true, the wood they're using is top-quality, but still it is wood, so the products are less practical, but more sophisticated. If you're a retro gadgets fan and own a disco ball in the living room, then this seems to be made for you.

So, the Magno latest addition might look like a portable radio from the 70's, but it was recently made for the sake of the good old times.

I believe retro fits any kind of electronic device perfectly, so this could actually be a very modern piece of design from Singgih Kartono. He used two tones of wood taken from hand carpenters in an Indonesian village with a high level of unemployment.

According to Treehugger, the designer Singgih Kartono wants to "redefine the relationship of the user between the product" and revitalize craft industries and local skills, while using local sustainable materials. Even the packaging is designed to be simple, minimal and reusable for transporting the radio.

The Magno radio was cleverly handcrafted almost entirely of wood. The knobs, the handle, even the antenna topper are all wood flavored. The electronic components are hidden inside a rectangular box

It is capable of operating with only 3 AAA batteries, it allows the use of the integrated electric battery, also. What? No, of course the inside is not made of wood. But, if you somehow want to open the case of the radio and look inside, you must unlock the ebony wood button.

To protect the wood casing from drying, the manufacturers used a special pine oil. So, from time to time, it must be wiped with oil and furniture cleaners.

Anyway, the Magno radio picks up AM and FM stations, it runs on AA batteries and looks quite sophisticated near your wooden bean bag. What else can I say? It's worth the money, if we're thinking about the people who worked hard to get you this piece of fine wood.

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