Embedded technology and the Teutul's skills at their finest

Aug 14, 2007 14:31 GMT  ·  By

The Orange County Choppers and the Teutuls are quite well-known around the world (but especially in the US) for the extraordinary custom bikes they manufacture. This is the reason why they were the first (and obvious) choice for Intel when the chip manufacturer decided that it wanted to develop an homage to the company's 30 years of activity in the embedded technology field. And the result...well, the results, as you can see in the pictures, is something right out of this world, a bike that combines the most advanced embedded navigation and infotainment technologies with the metal working skills of the people over at OCC.

First of all, it's worth mentioning the fact that this monster of a chopper incorporates dual V-Twin motors, developed by Greg Nelson for Nelson Engineering, its four cylinders being compared by the people over at Intel with the quad-cores of the Xeon processors. As for the external design, it's all the work of the Teutuls, well-known for their "artistic" skills in the field of metal working and bike design.

However, in the case of the Intel Chopper, the technology add-ons are as important as the bike itself. Thus, the chopper's central management console is controlled through the SwitchBack PC, one of the world's first rugged, ultra-mobile personal computers (UMPCs) from Black Diamond Advanced Technology, an Intel Communications Alliance (ICA) member, featuring Intel Celeron processor platform technology. But that's just the beginning.

The main idea behind this concept was to integrate as many Intel-powered systems as possible. Hence, the chopper provides an all-digital dashboard with touch-screen controls that replaces the dials, but also allows the users to view the images transmitted by the rear-mounted USB camera, since this thing doesn't have (or need) rear-view mirrors. Moreover, the system incorporates a fingerprint access system, which means that the drivers will be able to start the chopper's engine by simply pressing their finger against the reader's scanning surface.

The Intel Chopper also provides extended multimedia functions as well as a GPS navigation system and Bluetooth and Wi-Fi communication technologies. Moreover, it sports an electrically-controlled hydraulic kickstand, which might really come in handy, since this chopper is no light bike.

As for the conclusion...well, since a picture is supposed to be worth a thousand words, just enjoy the view. I know I did, over and over again.

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Photo Gallery (5 Images)

The Intel Chopper - low front angle view
The Intel Chopper - engine detailThe Intel Chopper - control system detail