And in your home entertainment system bind them

Sep 12, 2007 17:16 GMT  ·  By

The number of entertainment-related devices we've got laying around in our living rooms is increasing with each and every new and exciting product launch. However, due to the considerable number of gaming consoles, recorders, players, audio systems, etc. one has to cram up within a single room, the space we actually require in order to live our lives in a normal manner tends to get smaller and that's exactly the reason why the people over at SE2 Labs have just unveiled at CEDIA 2007 their ITC One (Integrated Home Theater Console), which, according to the company, is the world's first personalized, fully integrated one-box home entertainment solution.

Thus, this "gadgets of all gadgets" can be completely customized by custom installers or end users, which can choose from the following components: Microsoft X-Box 360, X-Box 360 HD DVD Player, Nintendo Wii, DirecTV, High-Def Tivo, Dish Network DVR, national cable providers DVR, including Comcast, Time Warner, Cox Cable and many more, AMX Netlinx Control System, High-End Digital Surround Processor, Bryston Pre-Amp Processor with full digital outputs, IcePower High-End D-Class Amplifiers, High-End Video Processor, Front Touchpanel Screen, Apple Video iPod with Dock, proprietary Remote Control, Power Conditioning, Transparent Cabling and Cable Harness and an Anti-Noise and Vibration System.

Moreover, the ITC One features a revolutionary design and includes a patented cooling system that maximizes the effects of induction to keep circuitry cool, while four silent high-powered fans keep internal temperatures low. Moreover, a built-in thermostat control and temperature gauge rounds out the cooling system.

The device from SE2 Labs also sports an advanced mechanical isolation system that protects the ITC One's circuitry from airborne and mechanical vibration and keeps internal noises from escaping (like a hard drive or transport). Moreover, it comes pre-installed with a sophisticated power conditioning, while the cable connections are recessed into the chassis, so users can push the unit against a wall without straining cable connections. The rear panel has lacing straps for wire management and stress relief.

The ITC One also comes with a high-end remote control, with innovations like color volume feedback, remote locator beeper and RF communication. It is ergonomically designed and easy to operate, as the buttons light up automatically in the dark when the unit senses movement.

Well, now for the really sad part. As you might have imagined, this thing doesn't come cheap at all, as it has an estimated retail price of around 20,000 US dollars, which is a lot more than the user would pay for its components, if purchased separately.

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