Not new, but definitely worth remembering

Dec 9, 2008 12:37 GMT  ·  By

Every now and then we all like to go down memory lane and, looking at gadgets that have been created a while back, get the same feeling of sheer excitement as the first time we laid eyes on them. And since some of these pieces of gadgetry have a real timeless character, it's really nice to refresh the readers' memory by bringing them in the spotlight again. Such is the case with a diminutive time-keeping gadget, codenamed the ISI Pocket Watch, created by Francisco Cubides.


The ISI Pocket Watch is a very small gadget you'd normally use to tell the time, and we could say it is just a pocket watch but that would truly be an understatement.


Destined to rest on the same metal ring as any of your keys, the ISI looks like no other watch: in its normal standby mode, it looks like a small shiny cube attached to a small and rather flimsy cord. No additional marks and definitely no hint to make you think that you're actually looking at something other than a small black cube. Pull the little cord and time will be revealed, as the black surface is a well-camouflaged display that will tell you the time in bright white numbers, easy to read in any lighting conditions, from total darkness to the brightest sunlight.


Perfectly portable and unobtrusive thanks to its small dimensions and feather-like weight, the ISI Pocket Watch can be easily attached to your house, or car, or motorbike keys and so on: it will add instant coolness, since it's well known that when it comes to this kind of gadgets the cool factor in inversely proportional with size.


The ISI Pocket Watch is powered by two button cells smartly housed in a special aluminium holder attached to a second, smaller cord, for a perfect disguise and efficient functionality. Unfortunately it looks like this small 2cm translucent time-telling cube has never made it into mass production and has remained in project phase only. Too bad, we'd say, since it would have made for a truly nifty and budget-friendly gift.

We are just a few, but there are many of you, Softpedia users, out there. That's why we thought it would be a good idea to create an email address for you to help us a little in finding gadgets we missed. Interesting links are bound to be posted with recognition going mainly to those who submit. The address is .