One of the weirdest pieces of merchandise

Dec 8, 2008 13:47 GMT  ·  By

There is nobody on the face of the earth to know more things about merchandise than rock bands: t-shirts, long sleeves, girlies and scarves, key chains, huge flags, tiny flags, swimwear, underwear, caps and a whole lot more. Rock items are really selling! And if you’re having a hard time believing the sentence above, take a look at the newest piece of rock-related merchandise: the i-Dog KISS Kollection.


We were asked to say what was the first impression as we saw it. Unfortunately, the answer was unanimous and was the opposite of "pretty." Not pretty, as in, ugly. But of course, as the beauty is in the eye of the beholder, there might be a lot of KISS fans out there to find it wonderful.


The KISS-themed I-Dog is an electronic puppy with a very futuristic look despite its strong resemblance to a Bull Terrier. It will sit quietly on your desk until you decide it's time for some music; and then the I-Dog will come to life, not only delivering your music through its embedded speakers but spicing things up with lights, movement and even its own sounds, all in relation to what you're listening to.


The face of the I-Dog is painted like the Demon. Not "the Demon" but the Demon band-member. If you fancy having all the face paint models then you must get them separately (we told you that rockers know a thing or two about merchandising). A headphone jack is also available, as well as an Auxiliary input, letting you both enjoy music on a personal level and hook up pretty much any music player around, iPods included.


Now, if the I-Dog KISS Kollection Demon had also come with a deranged price tag, it's most likely that no one would have bothered to write a word on it. But for $29.99, it seems like the I-Dog is in the right price range. And if you're a KISS fan, it might be a nifty present for the holidays. See, after all, you'll end up spending a dime on rock merchandise...



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