Do-it-yourself dermabrasion for perfect skin

Jan 29, 2009 11:18 GMT  ·  By

The road to getting a perfect skin face can often be so painful that most women are discouraged right from the start. If the medical procedure known as dermabrasion is not an option, then there’s always a little product known as The Greatest Scrub of All, coming from Soap & Glory, that boasts to return almost the same results, minus the blood and the pain medically sanding would imply.

Priced at £7.18, this face scrub will not only remove dead skin cells, but will also reduce the appearance of pores and blackheads, ensuring a flawless and matte countenance. Moreover, the manufacturers want to assure all potential customers that the use of The Greatest Scrub of All is dependant only on the type of skin, as also are its effects. Thus, they say, the more one scrubs, the better the result and smoother the skin, much like in the manner of a DIY dermabrasion.

Speaking of skin types, this is a scrub suitable for oily, normal and dry skin, the only mention that needs to be made here being that people with a more sensitive skin should not use it more often than once a week to avoid rashes and other irritations. Oppositely, customers with oily skin can use The Greatest Scrub of All as much as 2-4 times a week, just to make sure that they’re never in an embarrassing situation when they have what is known as “sweaty/shiny face.”  

As for applying this self-titled wonder scrub, things couldn’t be any easier. A pea-sized amount of scrub on damp skin should suffice for a great-looking countenance. “Smooth around the face, paying particular attention to blackheads, blocked noses, flaky foreheads and oily chins. Rinse well, pat dry and then apply moisturizer.” Soap & Glory says.

Like also noted above, The Greatest Scrub of All offers the possibility of a more energetic scrub. When this is the case, the tiny “super-gentle silicami particles and salicylic acid loaded scrub beads” included in its composition can break, releasing a substance that is of a very nice and soft texture, and which contributes to moisturizing the skin.

All in all, this sounds like a noteworthy face scrub, and, with a name like that, it will probably get most women to try it at least once.