Alyx is the key character

Aug 11, 2005 14:36 GMT  ·  By

The first video trailer that continues the adventures from Half Life 2 has recently been released. Rumors on this add-on showed up a few months ago, and at some point, Valve confirmed the title for this fall.

The video trailer begins with a sequence that looks a lot like the Matrix trilogy and all of its action is focused around Alyx, Gordon Freeman, not being present in any of the sequences.

Actually, the team behind Half Life 2 said that Alyx will play a much more important in this sequel, which picks up the story where Half Life 2 ended.

From what can be seen in the trailer, it seems that Alyx will be facing new scary-looking enemies, but also the Half Life 2 monsters we were accustomed to. Alyx's father is another character that shows up in this trailer.

If you had any doubts whether the antigravitational weapon will be missing from Aftermath, fear not, because it's actually one of the few weapons that show up in the trailer available here.