Oct 8, 2010 17:41 GMT  ·  By

The designer at BioWare which leads development on Dragon Age 2 has stated that the Fade, a magical realm that occupied a good chunk of the middle game in Origins, will make a comeback in the sequel and that the character of Morrigan will also play an important role.

Talking to NowGamer, Mike Laidlaw, who is the lead designer working on Dragon Age 2, addressed the character Morrigan and how she will impact the word, saying “Morrigan’s story is not over even after the Witch Hunt DLC, and although I can’t go too far into it, I can say that she’s not done with this world by any stretch of the imagination”.

The Witch Hunt has not been well received by fans of Dragon Age: Origins who have claimed that it offers no closure for the main character and asks more new questions than it answers.

When talking about The Fade he said, “in terms of how central it will be, I think there’s some very critical moments tied to the Fade but I don’t want to go into too many details.”

The Fade section in Origins was hated by some gamers because of the puzzle aspect and the somewhat complicated paths the player needed to figure out through the game world.

Other loved it for the way it managed to portray a world of chaotic magic and the creatures that were inhabiting it.

Dragon Age 2 will move the time frame ahead by ten years, telling the story of Hawke, a survivor of the destruction of Lothering who then goes on to become Champion of Cornwall and one of the most important players in the world.

Dragon Age 2 is set to be released for the PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on March 8 in North America and three days later in Europe.