Joe Matz, Todd Pekats and Jim Johnston explain the benefits

May 26, 2007 12:18 GMT  ·  By

As Microsoft is known to have an increasing interest in helping companies become People-Ready with the help of the IT, PressPass discussed with some experts about it and explored topics like standardization, IO (Infrastructure Optimization) and Microsoft`s licensing structure.

The interviewed experts were Joe Matz, vice president of Microsoft's Worldwide Licensing and Pricing Group, Jim Johnston, manager of Enterprise Architecture and Advanced Technology at Pittsburgh-based PPG and Todd Pekats, the director of Strategic Alliances for CompuCom Systems.

The first matter they tackled was the definition of the Infrastructure Optimization and they concluded that a business growth and a successful People-Ready business could be easier achieved with the help of a series of models that create the IO.

Then they talked about the way the customers could benefit from an optimized infrastructure concluding that standardization might be the key. Together with the benefits of flexibility and choice, the benefits of standardization could be decisive.

As Joe Matz mentioned the Enterprise CAL Suite as an example of how customers could benefit from IO and standardization, he also described the impact of this license-product on the customer's level of satisfaction.

The Enterprise CAL Suite, a license that puts together 11 of the latest Microsoft products, is supposed to bring benefits to the customer - "simplicity, flexibility and value", and it also saves customers' time and pain by letting them focus on a single license with a single vendor for all the 11 components.

Mr.Matz also revealed the fact that the Enterprise CAL Suite fits with Microsoft`s overall volume licensing story and stated that "the Enterprise CAL Suite is the most simple and predictable way of buying and deploying Microsoft's most advanced technology."

In conclusion, Microsoft will keep on evolving licensing so that the customers could take advantage of this industry's technology and get at the same time the right solution for their needs.