The date has been modified to a more generic 2015

Jan 12, 2015 07:28 GMT  ·  By

Ever since The Elder Scrolls Online was announced, gamers were intrigued by the possibility that the MMO might be offered on home consoles in addition to the traditional PC space, and it seems that players might be able to get the title on the Xbox One as soon as February 24 of this year.

The date was shown on the official Microsoft Store for a while, with intrepid users capturing an image of the date, but has since been changed to something much less specific.

February 24 is a Tuesday, when most major games are launched in North America, and the very fact that Microsoft has moved to remove it might mean that an official announcement about The Elder Scrolls Online might be made soon.

Of course, it’s also possible that the date was an old one which accidentally appeared on an official site or that it was designed to be a placeholder.

Neither developer ZeniMax Online nor publisher Bethesda have commented on the revealed date for The Elder Scrolls Online.

Microsoft has a policy of not talking about third-party titles that are offered via its online store.

Initially, the MMO was supposed to arrive on both the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4 in April 2014, but since then the developers have delayed it, first to late last year and then to an unspecified date in 2015.

The Elder Scrolls Online might also be preparing to go free-to-play

The new title from ZeniMax Online and Bethesda is unusual because it uses a subscription-based business model, which is at the moment rarely used for new launches in the MMO space.

Recent rumors, including the fact that the six-month subscription option was removed from the game, are suggesting that there are plans to move it to a free-to-play model in the coming year.

It’s possible that the teams in charge of it are working to launch it on the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4 and change the business model at the same time.

The Elder Scrolls Online is continuing to get constant updates and seems to have enough players to support it in the long term.

UPDATE: Bethesda says that no official date has been confirmed and that, as usual, it will offer no comment on rumors.

The Elder Scrolls Online Images (8 Images)

Elder Scrolls Online coming to Xbox One
Battle planningMMO design