Now, that could be fun

Oct 15, 2008 13:11 GMT  ·  By

I guess you don't have to actually be some sort of musician to like tapping all sorts of rhythms with your fingers or wandering around beatboxing and thinking about the grooviest drum solos. Well, you could actually exercise pretty much anywhere, but the main inconvenience to all this is the fact that you'll never get the right sound, at least never and nowhere outside your own mind. Now, think again and prepare to greet the drumming t-shirt, one interesting and at the same time wacky contraption, which is most suitable to let the rockstar in you emerge and shine.

Judging by the way it looks so far, this T-shirt has been created for drumming purposes only as it would feel terribly uncomfortable wearing it like any other piece of clothing.

So, what’s up with this funky apparel? It comes with an attached (and detachable) decal with a drum set printed on it. What's cooler is the fact that this decal comes with no less than 7 sensitive zones triggering drum sounds which are as close to reality as possible. All you have to do is make sure that your hands and fingers are touching the right areas or something very chaotic can come out of your practice.

A tad more lifelike than the Guitar Hero routine, the Electric Drum Kit Shirt will need some drumming skills for real, in order to obtain some coherent sounds. The whole contraption runs on power coming from 4 AAA batteries and you also get a speaker and a volume control. Since nobody said anything about the headphone jack, it means that this t-shirt has none, therefore there's no chance for silent practice.

It would be very interesting to meet someone wearing and playing this t-shirt; maybe somebody will also design more musical apparel and a whole band could be started off these wacky gadgets. 70's hard rock or death metal, what will it be? After watching this video, the latter makes more sense. Ah, and the t-shirt drums are way cheaper than their real-life counterparts: $30, available here.

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Photo Gallery (2 Images)

The Electric Drum Kit Shirt, a funky way to drum.
Learn the beats and start rocking.
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