First reactions to the final Batman film are 100 percent positive

Jul 16, 2012 14:20 GMT  ·  By

“Holy hyperbole, Batman!” It's best to keep this saying in mind when reading reviews of Chris Nolan's “The Dark Knight Rises,” because they are just so, packed with hyperbole and the warmest of warm praises.

Warner Bros. has been screening Nolan's third and final Batman film quietly for about a week and, just hours ago, the embargo was lifted and the reviews are pouring in.

We've chosen not to quote from them because (obviously) they contain spoilers and chances are you will not want to have the story ruined for you, before you get the chance to see it in theaters.

However, suffice it to say that critics and movie buffs alike agree on one thing: this movie is majestic and grand, truly the brightest and most beautiful jewel in Chris Nolan's crown.

Batman didn't have to end because it was an amazing franchise – but it's good to know that it ends on such a high, superb, accomplished note as only he could deliver.

As of the time of writing, “The Dark Knight Rises” has an impressive 100% certified fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes, which means there's not a single negative review (of course, that's not to say there won't be some of those too).

See here for more on them.

“The Dark Knight Rises” will be out in theaters starting July 20.