Director James Wan turns his attention to true story for his next film

Apr 3, 2013 19:11 GMT  ·  By

James Wan’s resume includes hits like “Saw” and “Insidious” so you’d be totally right to assume that he knows his way around the horror genre. Despite appearances, he insists that his new movie, “The Conjuring,” is more than that: it’s the truth.

Check out the latest trailer for it above.

Before “The Amityville Horror,” paranormal investigators Lorraine and Ed Warren (Vera Farmiga and Patrick Wilson) went through an experience so horrible they never even talked about.

It is presented in “The Conjuring” and, as the new trailer says, it’s not horror, it’s not possession, it’s the truth.

Wan and the producers said at WonderCon that the film ended up so scary that the MPAA ruled it would never get a PG-13 rating even if edited – mostly because they could not recommend which scenes to cut.

To make this more intriguing, they also said that the film doesn’t include language or graphic violence that would normally warrant an R rating. It simply is that scary.

“The Conjuring” will be out on July 19.