Dec 3, 2010 10:52 GMT  ·  By

Back when Sony officially revealed the fact that they're discontinuing their iconic Cassette Walkman player, quite a lot of people were actually shocked that this player from their youths was still around, and admitted to feeling somewhat sad about it going into oblivion. And since retro always seems to be a fashionable trend, the people over at UrbanOutfitters have decided that it's perhaps a good idea to bank on the buzz created around cassette players and released their own MP3 Walkman, that, while resembling, to some extent, the original Sony classic, it nevertheless employs a whole different, modern technology for playing music. In fact, this thing plays back the music stored onto SD cards, which, we'll have to admit, is not exactly the first storage medium one might think of when considering data transfers (despite SanDisk's continuing efforts of turning SDs into a solid content distribution channel, they're still mostly used for digital cameras, rather than digital players). Leaving aside its storage solution of choice, the MP3 Walkman offers some pretty basic features, such as stop, forward, pause, rewind buttons (in order to more closely remind you of the original), as well as a USB cable and earphones. Moreover, since it measures 10.5cm in width and is 6cm-long, while also being accompanied by a belt clip, carrying the MP3 Walkman around shouldn't prove to be much of a problem. The device uses 2 x AAA batteries, but unfortunately, UrbanOutfitters have not provided any significant details regarding the possible functioning life they enable. Pricing for the MP3 Walkman has been set at around 45 pounds sterling (roughly 70 US dollars), which is slightly more than you'd have to normally pay for such a simple, no frills music player, but, then again, the retro, trendy Walkman look is most likely worth the premium.