Apr 20, 2011 07:55 GMT  ·  By

The major Blogger redesign is already going live, albeit with a small number of people. Blogger will be rolling out the new dashboard to a few people who are already using Blogger in Draft.

Usually, Draft is used to test new features and updates before they go live to everyone, essentially it's a beta version of the service, so it's telling that Blogger didn't even enable the redesign for all Draft users yet.

"As we shared before, our team has been hard at work on a brand new, next generation design for Blogger," Jinwoo Lee, Blogger tech lead, wrote.

"Today, we're thrilled to announce the public launch of our redesign! But please wait a second before you go check out your Blogger dashboard, because we’re planning a gradual rollout that will start with a limited set of users who visit our new feature testing ground, Blogger in Draft," he announced.

Right now, only a few people will notice the new dashboard. However, if all goes well, Blogger plans to roll out the redesign to all Draft users within the next few days, which may turn into weeks, if issues are detected.

Google has already previewed the redesigned user interface. It's also enabling anyone to test some of the new animated templates which will become available to Blogger users.

But there's more to the update than just the looks, Blogger says everything was written from scratch to bring the app up to speed with the latest technologies and developments on the web.

This would explain Blogger's reticence towards making the new dashboard available to more people from the get go.

The new UI is not ready for a massive roll out and Blogger acknowledges there are still things to work out, but it wanted actual users getting their hands on it as soon as possible.