Movie barely makes £3.8 million in two weeks

Apr 7, 2010 09:58 GMT  ·  By
Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler have gone out of their way to promote “The Bounty Hunter,” but to little avail
   Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler have gone out of their way to promote “The Bounty Hunter,” but to little avail

A few days ago, movie critics in the US were telling PageSix that Jennifer Aniston should reconsider her career options, given how her latest film, “The Bounty Hunter,” fared at the box office. As if that and the poor critical reception weren’t enough, the romantic comedy also bombed in UK theaters, making just £3.8 million in ticket sales in two weeks, the Daily Mail informs.

That the film was poorly received by critics is no longer a secret, but it would seem that this has turned out to be one of the few cases when audiences agree as well. “The Bounty Hunter” flopped in the US – and moviegoers in the UK were no more enthusiastic about it, despite relentless promotion in the media. No matter what they say in interviews, Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butle lack onscreen chemistry and this seems to be the main reason why their film failed so miserably, the publication says.

“Jennifer Aniston’s career has hit the skids after her latest film made little more than £3 million at the box office. The Hollywood golden girl has spent the past few weeks touring the globe on a ridiculous publicity trail for her new film The Bounty Hunter, flaunting her ‘chemistry’ with her co-star Gerard Butler However, the film, in which the pair play a feuding ex-husband and wife, made just £3.8 million at the UK box office after its first two weeks of release – compared with Tim Burton’s Alice In Wonderland, which after four weeks of release has made nearly £35 million,” the Mail writes.

“The Bounty Hunter, which has suffered terrible reviews, also pulled in only £24 million in its first 10 days in cinemas in America last month, where it was beaten by a child’s film called Diary Of A Wimpy Kid and Alice In Wonderland. The lackluster profits for the film will come as a blow to Miss Aniston, 41, who went to great lengths to promote the movie in a bid to resurrect her film career,” the publication goes on to note.

As we also reported a few days ago, industry insiders believe that Aniston has outlived the phase where she can play the romantic lead and carry a movie almost on her own to box-office success. Her goody two-shoes image is also worn out and she should think about diversifying her choices in terms of movie roles because this is one garment that’s wearing very thin, they also say.