If there's one fitness move that will get your muscles going, the bicycle crunch is definitely it

Jun 23, 2008 15:00 GMT  ·  By
The bicycle crunch is the best way to get your abdomen into shape in no time
   The bicycle crunch is the best way to get your abdomen into shape in no time

Summer is here, which - in terms of body image and weight loss - means that many of us will be looking for faster, more effective ways to lose weight without spending grueling hours doing sit-ups and stomach crunches in the gym. And even if we are willing to invest a lot of time and energy into perfecting an exercise routine that is bound to help us get into shape and look better, there's no guarantee that we will be able to choose the right combination of movements that will bring us a rapid victory over the extra pounds - or is there? Here is an answer that might surprise us all: apparently, there is such a thing as the perfect ten-minute ab routine.

The way to a toned tummy is simple: 10 minutes a day doing bicycle crunches. As one doctor put it, if you're interested in sticking to one ab routine for the rest of the summer, choose this one and you won't regret it. How do you do the bicycle crunch? It's quite straightforward, really: lie on the floor (on a mat or blanket) with your face up, hands behind your head and elbows pointing outwards. Lift your shoulder blades and right leg at about 5 - 6 inches from the floor, then bring your right knee upwards towards the chest, twisting your torso so that the knee lightly touches your left elbow. Then switch sides without lowering your shoulders and legs completely to the floor.

You can check out the sequence of movements in the video below. The bicycle crunch is said to be the most effective way to bring our abdomens in shape, mainly because it keeps the body moving constantly, with the direct result that the muscles never rest completely. This type of movement also works your abs and obliques at the same time. Don't overdo it, though: if you're a beginner to the move, start with two sets of 12 repetitions, then rest and do two more sets. Coupled with 20 minutes of jogging every other day, plenty of fluids and a healthy diet, the bicycle crunch will help you lose weight and shape your abdomen in no time.