"The purpose of the video game is to honor our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ"

Jan 2, 2007 10:53 GMT  ·  By

Looks like some people are running out of ideas for video games. Can't imagine why someone would adapt the Bible and bring it into video games. But this is a fact, as Atomic Design Laboratory revealed that they are currently in production for a new game in the Christian video games series, Tribulation Knights.

By the looks of it, the storyline is an interpretation of the Bible concerning the end days. Some sort of worldwide cult organization wants to gain control of the planet and to imprison Christians who don't want to be part of their cult. You, as the main character in the game, have to prevent just that. The name of the main character has not been revealed, but we know that he is an agent of the "Tribulation Knights".

This is another organization, but this one represents the forces of good (in the never ending battle of evil versus good), and was created by the now extinct Christian church association. So, as a Tribulation Knight, you have to complete several missions, from collecting valuable intelligence to releasing people from the clutches on the Enforcers (the representatives of evil).

They are calling Tribulation Knights a stealth based third-person adventure game, and they plan to release it for PCs. An exact release date was not yet announced, so you will have to wait some more if you were looking forward to what seems a very boring game.

Frankly, this seems like a game developed by religious fanatics as the first sentence on the game's official website reads: "Tribulation Knights is the creation of John Nelson. The purpose of the video game is to honor our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ." Judge for yourself...