The clothes hanger will never be the same again

Feb 2, 2015 13:15 GMT  ·  By

Clothes are important. They cover our modesty, allow us to “look the part” during various social interactions, keep us warm and generally prevent us from looking out of place.

The more clothes you own, however, the bigger and better your closet, hanger or clothes tree has to be. Often all of them at once.

However, there hasn't been much of a change in how a hanger or closet is designed, save for when high-paying customers have specific, possible eccentric demands.

North Dakota State University student Amber Grindeland figured that regular people might want to change how they store clothes too.

So she enlisted the help of her business partner Caet Fox. Together, they came up with the Geo Mod system, which relies on hexagons.

The Geo Mod clothing and footwear system

Geo Mod is a collection of hexagons that can easily be 3D printed at home, provided you own an additive manufacturing machine of some sort.

Or you could ask Shapeways, MakerBot or other 3D printing service to fill an order, if you live close enough to one. Or if you're willing to wait for delivery.

The Geo Mod system applies the Lego principle to hang shirts, jackets, dresses, shoes or whatever else off single or clasped together hexagons.

No longer do you have to use unsuitable hangers or hooks, and you won't have to push your spare shoes in dusty, dark corners either. The hexagons can hold shoes up by the heels.

Belts, pants, open neck sweaters, all of these things can now be properly hung without any danger of creases, irregular folds, stretching or whatever else.

The Geo Mod is eco-friendly to boot

Around 8 billion normal hangers are tossed in the trash every year. That's a lot of plastic, especially since it takes 1,000 years for them to decompose. And burning/melting them causes pollution of a different sort.

The Geo Mod hexagons (and some triangles), however, are made of corn-based plastic that decomposes in one or two years if left in the dirt. Always a good news when tossed in a landfill or when lost on a trip.

“With our hangers, they are 100% recyclable. And even if people forget or are too lazy to throw these in the recycling, they are still biodegradable. So, if they go to a landfill, they will break down quickly and leave no mark,” said Grindeland.

Geo Mod components
Geo Mod components

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The Geo Mod
Geo Mod components
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