The movie will be available for users in HD resolution, free of charge

Sep 20, 2012 19:31 GMT  ·  By

Wireless carrier T-Mobile and mobile phone maker Samsung have announced the availability of exclusive The Avengers content on the Galaxy S III smartphone available on shelves at the operator.

Galaxy S III comes to the market with appealing entertainment capabilities, and the new content will allow users to further take advantage of that.

Marvel’s The Avengers will be pushed to all Galaxy S III devices at T-Mobile, including those that are already in users’ hands. The content will be available starting with September 25th as a virtual pre-load via the Samsung Media Hub, exclusive to T-Mobile devices.

“In addition, T-Mobile customers will have the ability to wirelessly share licensed content, such as movies and TV shows, to a compatible TV via the AllShare Cast feature and AllShare Cast Wireless Hub,” the wireless carrier announced.

“Paired with T-Mobile’s new Unlimited Nationwide 4G Data plan, the new features make it easy for customers to stream or download unlimited video content, including their favorite movies and TV shows, without having to worry about data caps, speed limits or overages.”

Owners of a Galaxy S III smartphone at T-Mobile will receive access to an HD flavor of the movie on their devices the same day that Marvel’s The Avengers will be released on Blu-ray 3D, Blue-ray, DVD, digital and on-demand across the US.

T-Mobile also announced that it would introduce a Samsung Galaxy Zone in its stores around the country starting with this fall, to showcase the capabilities of Galaxy S III, as well as the features of its entire Samsung Galaxy S lineup.

“The new interactive fixture will be rolled out in hundreds of locations and will provide an exclusive, enhanced retail experience for T-Mobile customers,” T-Mobile notes.

“The Galaxy Zone offers customers the opportunity to demo a Samsung device while using two television screens to visually supplement demonstrated device activity, such as AllShare Play, bringing to life the amazing experiences these devices offer.”