Packing 1,250 original game disks

Oct 13, 2008 08:09 GMT  ·  By

Fans of Apple's old computers have a reason to rejoice as Virtual II, an emulator that takes you back to the 1980s, boasts a collection of more than a thousand titles, including Apple II (Apple2) and Apple II GS games, reveals John Sheesley.

Basically, Virtual Apple II is a site that works only in Microsoft's Internet Explorer, or Mozilla's Firefox, with the help of a small plug-in. Of course, Mac users aren't left out in the cold, since they can check out Virtual Apple II in another virtual space called Parallels Desktop, or by downloading the Virtual II emulator and the individual disks themselves. Main features of the emulator include the ability to emulate the Apple ][, ][+ and //e, support for USB game pad and joystick, configurable peripheral cards, realistic sound effects, and the ability to debug Apple II programs.

“We recommend this emulator due to the amount of development that has gone into the program,” say the folks behind Virtual Apple II. “We also will soon be offering a complete download package of all disks.” They also confirm that an OS X-compatible version of the emulator is due out “sometime soon.”

The Apple II section of the Virtual Apple ][ website's uses a Java emulator for all of the programs. It also uses an Active X control (if you’re using IE) or an extension (if Firefox is your choice). Therefore, some may find it a little dangerous to run, but the folks behind Virtual Apple II claim it to be spyware free. “Note: Requires Windows and either Mozilla Firefox Or Microsoft Internet Explorer,” says the team. “This site is completely spyware free and usage of the emulator is completely free!” reads the Virtualapple site.

This website automatically downloads and plays most Apple 2 and Apple II GS disk images online. Just select the disk from the menu, and click on Yes to automatically download the ActiveX emulator and disk images in Internet Explorer. To play in Mozilla's Firefox, click on Install Add-Ons when prompted. Games like Oregon Trail and Number Munchers, Tetris, Battle Chess, Leisure Suit Larry, Choplifter, Archon II and Kings Quest are just a few of the choices available in Virtual Apple II.

There are currently over 1,250 disk images archived on the website, with more being constantly added. Specific program documentation and box cover images are also being added, to offer users a more complete experience. You can contribute to the database if you happen to have game descriptions, soft docs, manuals, hints, pictures etc.