Insult-o-fun on the loose

Oct 27, 2008 11:16 GMT  ·  By

We've just wiped the laughing tears from our eyes after meeting one of the sickest and at the same time funniest gadgets we've seen in a long time: Terry the Turtle. And "Terry the Terrible Tourette Turtle" is in fact as close to the truth as possible, because you're dealing with a small toy that has been made for utter insults thrown randomly at passers-by. Yes, you've read perfectly fine: we're talking about a desktop toy that will make your room resound with various insults and ill-mouthed phrases, much to the consternation of those in it.

It's rather hard to figure out the reason driving its creator to design such a toy, yet its very existence is as fun as fun could ever get.

Terry the Turtle comes with a dual-operation setting: the not-that-rude mode and the "freedom to curse" one; now, it's completely up to you to decide which one you'd choose on various occasions and Terry's manufacturer takes no liability for the consequences of your decision. If you're at home and have children around or at work and that superior manager of yours is likely to show up, you might want to "calm down" Terry a bit. On the other hand, if you're with your rudeness-proof friends, you can definitely set his mouth free and enjoy the dirt.

So, what's on the inside? Terry the Turtle is a toy equipped with an IR motion detector that triggers a random phrase from the 25 presets. And, as you've probably already guessed, Terry isn't going to be too flattering: all sorts of 4-letter word combinations destined for those passing in front of it are waiting to be deployed in total disrespect. Why? Nobody knows; yet one thing is for sure, cursing out of the blue is something nobody expects, especially in the quietness of the office.

Battery powered and easy to strategically place in almost any location to value the element of surprise, Terry the Tourette Turtle is definitely one thing almost anyone would like to get their hands on. And things could grow to truly epic proportions if one could modify the offensive phrases according to various occasions or needs. Can you imagine the destructive potential of such a malefic toy? And by all means, its extended usability range? Terry the (Terrible Tourette) Turtle is only $28, which makes it accessible to virtually everybody. God have mercy on your children when Terry's audio customization will become available!

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