Ideal for a hot body even at 44

Nov 2, 2009 21:21 GMT  ·  By
Teri Hatcher looks great – but it’s not without some effort as regards diet and working out that she does so
   Teri Hatcher looks great – but it’s not without some effort as regards diet and working out that she does so

It’s often been said that it’s extremely hard to feel any kind of sympathy towards Hollywood stars, especially as regards their weight and health. For starters, we tend to believe they have it easier than the rest of us just because they have money, which is clearly not the case. Teri Hatcher, for one, the 44-year-old star of “Desperate Housewives,” has to put in a lot of effort to look as awesome as she does, How Celebrities Lose Weight points out.

Of course, as fans from back in Hatcher’s James Bond days know, Teri was never on the chubby side. Quite on the contrary, she was remarked from the start for her tall stature, long limbs and flat abdomen, but that’s not to say she mustn’t work really hard to maintain her figure at 44 as well. Moreover, it’s even more complicated for Hatcher to do so, as she’s also a busy mom and an even busier actress, but she does it nonetheless, because her main focus is on staying healthy.

“She tries to keep to a low-fat diet as much as possible and uses some diet supplements that work fast. When it comes to diet tips, she likes to eat grilled chicken or steamed fish with fresh vegetables. When she needs a treat, occasionally she’ll give in and go for guilty pleasures, which are banana splits with chocolate and gummy bears. Teri has apparently also been known to use the natural hoodia diet pills, Hoodia Gordonii, which is an appetite suppressant.” HCLW said of the star’s eating routine.

As anyone can imagine, this in itself is not enough to keep her so enviably trim, so Teri Hatcher also works out regularly to prevent the pounds from piling on unawares. Because she tends to get bored rather easily, the star makes sure she’s also vamping up her routine, so she keeps going with it. Teri does Pilates, yoga, exercises on the exercise ball, some weight training as well and, as of more recently, pole-dance fitness.

“I like to hike and work out at the gym but I get bored easily. That’s when I started doing the [dance] classes. It’s very much about empowerment and female weight loss. There are no mirrors and nobody cares what you look like. It’s just all about being comfortable with your body. It really gives a good weight loss.” the actress said in a recent interview, also quoted by HCLW.