Persons with bad teeth are less popular

Dec 28, 2005 14:13 GMT  ·  By

The success a person has in life may be influenced by the way in which his/her teeth look like, a study carried out by a team of researchers, cited by BBC News Online, said.

Researchers from King's College in London have established with the help of volunteers that persons with visible plaque traces or cavities are less successful in society.

According to the study, persons with bad teeth are less popular and less capable of adapting in the society than those with beautiful teeth.

"I would have thought that people would prefer natural," Professor Tim Newton, study author, said.

During the study, the researchers found that people tend to be more analytical with women than with men, which suggests that women are judged by their physical aspect rather than other criteria.

Newton admitted though that there are persons whose less beautiful teeth helped them become successful, such as Queen's Freddie Mercury.

The professor claims that nowadays perfect teeth mean perfect alignment and a sparkling white, because this is the image people see in magazines and on TV.