The heroes were looking at the kidnapping victim because she was attractive

Sep 6, 2013 09:17 GMT  ·  By

Two teenagers have called 911 after spotting a woman appearing to say "help me" from a separate vehicle.

19-year-old Aaron Arias and 17-year-old Jamal Harris were in their car in Seagoville, Texas when they saw the woman in the backseat. According to Huffington Post, the incident took place on August 22.

"We're checking out the girl in the backseat because, we're like, 'OK, she's kind of attractive.' And then, all of the sudden, you know, the guy is turned back, looking at us," Arias describes.

They got the feeling that she was there against her will. They called the operator and admitted to first looking at the woman because they thought she was attractive.

They followed the vehicle and waited until police stopped it. The chase ended in the arrest of 37-year-old Charles Atkins Lewis Jr. on kidnapping and robbery charges. He had stolen the victim's car and abducted her.