Sequel promises to be even bloodier, more violent than the first film

Apr 21, 2009 14:53 GMT  ·  By
“H2” promises to be even more shocking, violent than the first “Halloween” film
   “H2” promises to be even more shocking, violent than the first “Halloween” film

Fans of horror movies, and especially of Michael Myers’ story, must be waiting breathlessly for the sequel to Rob Zombie’s 2007 film, the somewhat redundantly called “H2: Halloween 2.” Until it drops in theaters in August 2009, fans have just had the pleasure of seeing the first minutes of the film thanks to a special preview / teaser trailer on Entertainment Tonight.

“H2” continues the Michael Myers saga that the rocker turned director rebooted back in 2007, the only difference being that, now, the terrible killer has also been living in the wild, exposed to the elements, which presumably makes him all the more dangerous. However, the few moments ET has aired do not offer any indication in this sense. What fans do get instead is a couple of shots of Myers with a mask and, as expected, brutally killing someone with a knife.

It’s more than enough though to get horror fans dying with anticipation, several movie-oriented publications are pointing out. While the 2007 “Halloween” was not received as warmly as director Rob Zombie might have wanted, it did manage to get a loyal, albeit small following. Now, fans of the franchise, which extends beyond Zombie’s work, are hyped for “H2” because, so far, they’ve heard nothing but good words about it so, naturally, the teaser only comes to make them even more eager.

Speaking of kind words, almost two weeks ago, effects makeup specialist Wayne Toth was speaking with the media and shedding some light on what fans should expect from the sequel. Among other things, Toth also revealed that Myers would be spending most of his onscreen time without a mask (which director Rob Zombie later denied in a posting on his official MySpace, saying the film was still being edited so no one could predict that with accuracy) and that the mask that he would eventually wear would be “something else.”

“There are a couple different versions of the mask, but none of them are the same mask from the first film. He wanted to take them a step further, even though one of them is basically supposed to be the last mask. We’ve changed it anyway. Then towards the end of the film is the current version of the mask which is a lot different from any of them we’ve seen. People are going to be surprised when they see it. It’s going to throw the Myers fans for a loop.” Toth was saying a short while back.

However, until fans actually get to see the kind of surprises Zombie and the entire cast have in store for them, below is the first teaser trailer for “H2.”