The incident demonstrates once again that MD5 hashes are easy to decrypt

May 8, 2012 07:00 GMT  ·  By
TeamGhostShell hacks the Online Judge site of the Hangzhou Dianzi University
   TeamGhostShell hacks the Online Judge site of the Hangzhou Dianzi University

An online education site called Online Judge (, belonging to the Hangzhou Dianzi University of China is the latest victim of the TeamGhostShell hacker collective.

From the site’s databases, the hackers have leaked around 150,000 user credential sets, comprising usernames, MD5 password hashes and, in some cases, even email addresses.

“Programming University hacked by #TeamGhostShell because of the hilarious irony,” the hackers wrote.

Other data found in the dump contains the names of 705 database tables, and 235 mobile phone numbers and email addresses of the university’s IT staff.

The hackers have demonstrated once again that MD5 hashes are usually easy to decrypt and posted some of the passwords in clear text, which is why we will not provide a link to the data leak.

However, statistically speaking, there are a lot of classic passwords such as 123456, 111111, password, and 123123123.