A Google Docs print starts to take shape

Dec 20, 2007 07:50 GMT  ·  By

Google is an Internet biased company, there's no doubt about it, and accordingly, they roll out things that are to live especially on the Internet and through the Internet. But what happens when some of these applications or their end results need to come out of the bytes and into the lights? What happens when a Google Document needs to be printed in order to be shared in other ways than via email?

Until today, printing such a document was like a game of Russian Roulette, it was something like one chance in many that it would come out the way you wanted it to be. "Kind of like stepping out for an evening without knowing what you're wearing until you get out the door, an option that makes staying in pretty tempting", as the Official Google Docs Blog said.

Fear not, lovers of the online office suite from Google, the development team has come to the rescue with an update that you'll probably be telling your children about? in case you are the lucky one millionth person to print a Google Doc and win a prize or something. It's an update that brings it all together and makes the Docs a more viable alternative to resort to, when you're fed up with your desktop office applications.

They've just introduced margins, page numbers, landscape or portrait page orientation and legal, letter or A4 paper size. That should make you feel more confident about printing your online journal in order to turn it in as an assignment, when you're on the hurry and you've forgotten to do your homework. Perhaps it's not the best example, but it's a plausible scenario nevertheless. Don't be shy, take your documents out and be certain that they won't embarrass you with their new looks. Dream the dream! Live the life together!