ATX v2.2-compliant power supplies with LED fans

Jul 27, 2010 13:27 GMT  ·  By

Over the past few months, quite a number of power supplies have hit the shelves of online retailers and street shops, though their degrees of affordability and performance were varied. Now, eager to add to the long list of PSUs intended for PC enthusiasts and gamers is Tagan, a Taiwanese company which has just announced the PipeRock III series. This line is made up, or will be made up once it fully starts shipping, of multiple models, each with wattages in the 700W-1000W range and significant degrees of user and eco-friendliness.

With all the emphasis that hardware makers have been placing on energy efficiency, it isn't exactly surprising that Tagan would put effort into achieving 80Plus rating. The PipeRock III PSUs have an efficiency of up to 85% and, thus, were granted 80Plus Silver certification. As for the actual performance numbers that hard-core users are interested in, the models definitely look like they have all the required bases fully covered.

For one, the PSUs are compliant with the ATX v2.2 standard, as well as the EPS12V v2.91 specification. What's more, they come with four 12V rails and ribbon cables that provide easy cable management. As for what keep the devices from failing, Tagan threw in a super heatpipe-equipped internal cooling system, whose 13.5cm fan not only comes with thermally-controlled rotary speed, but even boasts a LED light. As such, end-users can be sure that their new PSU will bring not just performance and reliability, but also a touch of personality to the equation.

Tagan currently has 700W, 800W, 900W and 1000W supplies in store, but only the first one will start selling shortly, for 129 Euro. The other three will supposedly not hit retail availability until sometime in around the middle of August and their prices are not yet known.