Closer than you think

Feb 23, 2005 09:36 GMT  ·  By

How you would say if in the near future you may use your phone to watch your favorite TV show or even a movie? It seems like the mobile industry is determined more then ever to find new and "crazy" features to redefine the meaning of concept "mobile phone".

After transformation of the handhelds in music players, digital cameras or video cameras now is time for?prime time.

The entertainment industry embraces also the idea and is combining their efforts with the mobile phone makers. The good news is the communications industry has rarely been more united in its embrace of a new technology, but the bad news is that are still a lot of problems to be solved. By example still is not clear how the new phones will deal with both broadcast TV and cell phone communications signals.

It seems a real problem, but Nokia already said it would launch in the next year a model that will be able to receive the European digital broadcast standard for mobile phones, called digital video broadcast for handheld (DVB-H).

The wave of future is moving even the analysts. Based on studies about TV viewing habits of the public, Gartner expects that real-time TV to mobile phones will be commercially available across Europe in 2007.

Video service and even live TV are already old news in some markets. Wireless telecoms operators such as Orange and Vodafone are already dabbling with video services offering live TV from selected channels such as CNN.

The 35.000 subscribers of Orange France 3G Network are watching already an average of 25 minutes of live television on their phones and the service is available only for about two months. But the real deal will be Digital TV.

So after imaging, music, video, banking and gambling, television is the new player in town.