Dennis Storm and Valerio Zeno pull off weird experiment for Proefkonijnen

Dec 20, 2011 17:08 GMT  ·  By

Hannibal Lecter is probably glowing with pride as we speak: two TV presenters on a Dutch show called Proefkonijnen (“Guinea Pigs”) have agreed to eat flesh off each other, cooked without seasoning – and they did it in front of the cameras.

Don't imagine a scene like in the Hannibal movies, though: as the video above will show, the two had a piece of muscle removed by a surgeon, and it was then cooked in oil on the show.

Afterwards, they sat down at the table and, facing each other, tasted the cooked flesh. So far, they have refused to say how it tasted, but they did say they didn't see anything spectacular about it.

“It is weird to look into the eyes of a friend when you are chewing on his belly. It was just a few bites,” Storm told the media after the show.

Cannibalism is not illegal per se, but the doctor who performed the surgery on the two could face charges because he knew what the procedure was for.

At the same time, even if cannibalism was illegal, their attorneys are saying they can't be prosecuted for anything, since they both entered into the cannibalistic pact voluntarily.

The two presenters insist that the stunt was genuine.