If you like DropBox, you'll love Syncplicity

Feb 26, 2009 10:15 GMT  ·  By

Syncplicity is a new synchronization, backup and sharing solution for Mac. The application & service is very similar to DropBox, an older sync-and-share solution for cross-platform use. Carrying the same name as the developing company, Syncplicity is available for free download for a 2GB account and two computers. Users can upgrade to a 50GB account (and more computers) if they wish to do so.

This month has seen Syncplicity receive a bunch of updates that mostly addressed bug fixes. Version, for instance, added numerous UI tweaks and various bug fixes, but also a couple of enhancements - “Menu displays status while indexing files and displays upload/download speeds” and “Folders can be removed from your account without mapping the folder to the computer first,” according to the development team at Syncplicity.

The latest version available – Syncplicity – dramatically reduces CPU usage after the initial file system scan, the release notes say. Also, uploads are now prioritized by file type and size, while restarting the client no longer requires Syncplicity to re-index non-uploaded files. A trio of bug fixes is also mentioned in the latest Syncplicity release: quota notification displays one Growl notification for an hour, instead of filling your screen with Growl notifications; status line in menu now displays "Offline" while the client is offline; files changed multiple times before an upload occurs are no longer uploaded multiple times. Other bugs have also been dealt with.

Version Unlike DropBox, you needn't add a Syncplicity Folder somewhere on your computer (although it can keep you organized). Simply right click any file, anywhere, and add it to Syncplicity. The software immediately backs it up and you go about your business. Then, when you find yourself somewhere else where there's a computer connected to the Internet, you'll be able to easily access that file and use it.

Download Syncplicity Beta (Free)