The hacker moves his operations from Africa to Europe

Jan 28, 2012 09:29 GMT  ·  By

The hacker known as SEPO managed to breach three important sites, accessing their databases and leaking sensitive information online for everyone to see.

First, he managed to access the servers of ProCredit Bank, a financial institution from Bosnia and Herzegovina, but since the part of the server he had breached didn’t contain any “interesting” information, there was no data leaked.

With Brno Airport from the Czech Republic the situation is a bit different. The hacker leaked database table names, usernames, email addresses and passwords.

The last victim is Suzuki Deutschland, the German division of the motor vehicle manufacturer. As a result of this hack, names, physical addresses, phone numbers, email addresses and birth dates belonging to the site’s users were posted online.

SEPO is the hacker that a few days ago managed to breach the website of Endiama, Angola's national diamond company.