Singer is exhausted and stressed out following Britain’s Got Talent finale

Jun 1, 2009 06:27 GMT  ·  By
Internet sensation Susan Boyle cracks under the pressure of fame, is admitted to The Priory mental health clinic
   Internet sensation Susan Boyle cracks under the pressure of fame, is admitted to The Priory mental health clinic

On Saturday, Susan Boyle lost Britain’s Got Talent big title to dance troupe Diversity, despite all odds pointing to her as the favorite winner. On Sunday, because of the stress and the pressure she’s been under for the past couple of weeks, the Scottish singer suffered a breakdown, was assessed under the Mental Health Act, and then carried by an ambulance to London’s The Priory clinic that specializes in mental health, The Sun informs.

The staff at the hotel where Susan Boyle was staying, as well as people from her management called the ambulance and alerted the police when they noticed she was acting “strangely.” Eyewitnesses say she was “out of it” by the time they arrived, but agreed to go with them quietly, without making too much of a fuss. She was admitted to the renowned clinic on the spot, and will reportedly remain there for a couple of days more until she makes a full recovery – and only afterwards decide what she’ll do next as regards her career.

“The staff were concerned – something wasn’t right. When the paramedics and police arrived she agreed to go voluntarily. She didn’t make a fuss. The paramedics calmly took her out through the main lobby and into the waiting ambulance. It was all done very calmly. They didn’t want to stress or upset her. She didn’t look well – she looked lost, not all there.” one such eyewitness tells the British publication.

A spokesperson for ITV, the network producing and airing the talent competition that made Susan Boyle a favorite with millions of people around the world, has also confirmed the sad report. According to the statement, Boyle has been under a lot of strain lately because of the pressure of instant fame and needs a few days under specialized supervision to recover. As of now, this is all that is known of her condition.

“Following Saturday’s show, Susan is exhausted and emotionally drained. She has been seen by her private GP, who supports her decision to take a few days out for rest and recovery. We offer her our ongoing support and wish her a speedy recovery.” the ITV spokesperson says for the same publication. Sources within the network also reveal that Simon Cowell, who has personally vouched he would handle Susan’s music career from now on, will wait until she is fully recovered to call on her to decide whether she wants to pursue a life in the spotlight or retire altogether to her small village of Blackburn, West Lothian.

Keep an eye on this space for updates on Susan Boyle’s condition.