Women distinctly recall the first shoes they buy with their own money

Dec 15, 2009 20:11 GMT  ·  By

They say you can’t possibly make a woman not love shoes, and this seems to hold water as regards a recent survey as well, which shows that women rather remember the first pair of shoes they bought with their own money than the guy they shared their first kiss with. Similarly, The Telegraph informs, women are more likely to feel sorry for tossing out an old pair of shoes than for dumping a boyfriend.

The first kiss is a memorable experience, tinged with the innocent sweetness of the moment, they say. Still, for women, it seems not to be able to hold a candle to the memory of the first pair of shoes they can buy with their own money, as neither does that of a boyfriend they dumped, as opposed to that of the first pair of stilettos discarded to the garbage bin. The overwhelming majority has spoken: and, in this survey, it’s 1-0 in the shoes vs. men battle.

Over 1,000 women took part in the survey, The Telegraph says, but the answers they gave left little room to doubt as to which they are more likely to remember, shoes or men. More than 92 percent of the respondents answered in favor of the first pair of shoes, with only 8 percent remembering their first kiss. About 96 percent admitted to feeling sorry about throwing away their heels, while a mere 15 percent regretted a breakup. Less than two in three women were able to recall the name of the person they had their first kiss with.

“Experts said the reasons behind women’s fondness for footwear were down to their shoe buying habits. Many women buy a new pair of shoes for a special occasion, like a wedding, birthday or special party. And much to their partner's annoyance, many women hang on old shoes, building up a sizeable collection by middle age, even if many go unworn most of the time,” The Telegraph further says of the findings.

What is more impressive, though, is that, while the first kiss is a unique experience, women buy on average about 4 pairs of shoes a year. This, in turn, comes to indicate that buying shoes is, in fact, a much more memorable experience than previously thought.