Modify the appearance of your Dock, but also tweak other system settings

Aug 20, 2008 07:46 GMT  ·  By

SuperDocker, a nice little piece of free Mac software that allows you to customize "parts of your Mac OS X Leopard," has recently gotten a few new additions. Some bugs have also been fixed in the latest release, so it's high time we let you know of the changes.

Basically, SuperDocker is an extremely useful (and fun) Mac app that lets you tweak the appearance of your Dock, but also allows you play around with some of your system settings as well. Most of its functions take into account small aspects related to the system's appearance that the developers at Apple didn't consider important enough to give customers a choice over. Several features of the OS X 10.5 system are set to default values and there is no intuitive way to change them.

Since the software enables you to configure various hidden settings of your operating system regarding the appearance and bahavior of your Mac, if you don't like the outcome, SuperDocker allows you to go back to your previous settings, so you don't harm the system.

Using SuperDocker, you can:

- Display a 2D/3D Dock; - Use transparency on hidden applications' icons; - Add separation in the Dock; - Modify the display of the Docks; - Add stacks in recent elements; - Display a border cadre around applications; - Modify the effect of window minimization; - Modify the switching time between 2 spaces under Space; - Modify the drawing time of dialog boxes; - Display the complete path in the title bar; - Display the hidden files; - Choose to display or not a message after each new disk detection; - Modify the display of the menubar; - Modify the capture format; - Modify the print dialog boxes' format; - Modify the Mac OS X bootsplash.

As for the latest changes occurring with SuperDocker, developer Michael Aubigny has fixed a language error (and other language bugs), a Time Machine disk script, the Orb indicator in 2D Dock's (thanks to Gabriela Ghinita, Softpedia), capture bugs, as well as stacks skin bugs. New additions include a function to activate/deactivate iPhone backup, a delete the function to change the menubar, a skin manager for the stack and, of course, some interface improvements.

SuperDocker is a Softpedia favorite. You can check out more detailed articles on the software here, and here. This Mac utility program is absolutely free to download and use, and we encourage you to do so.