New research suggests this happens a lot earlier than first estimated

Nov 30, 2011 15:37 GMT  ·  By
One in nine teens attempts suicide by the time they reach the get out of high school
   One in nine teens attempts suicide by the time they reach the get out of high school

A team of experts at the University of Washington has determined that suicidal behavior – and, in extreme cases, following through those thoughts – originates inside an individual well before they reach school age.

The new study therefore pushes the age at which these thoughts occur even farther than currently established. Statistics show that more than 10 percent of youngster think or attempt suicide by the time they finish high school.

In a paper published in the latest issue of the Journal of Adolescent Health, the team explains that depression was a huge factor in the adolescents' decision to try suicide, PsychCentral reports.

“This study suggests that implementation of mental health programs may need to start in elementary and middle schools, and that youth in these grades are fairly good reporters of their own mental health,” lead study author, UW professor James Mazza, explains.