A mouthful of Wow(!)

Jul 6, 2007 18:43 GMT  ·  By

Wanna suck on Microsoft's Windows Vista lollipop? Now this one product guarantees that you'll have a mouthful of Wow(!). Now, Microsoft has attempted even in the past to leave the Wow taste in the mouths of users. In this context, you might remember a little something called Wowffee. But apparently the brewing time of the Windows Vista coffee, in excess of six years, was somewhat of a turn-off for customers who wanted a fast caffeine fix. This is why Microsoft turned to candy. Now Windows Vista is the fastest way to a system upgrade and to a set of rotten teeth. This of course is in direct correlation with how addicted users will become to the new Vista candy. And you have to know from the get go that the Vista lollipop is quite an exclusive product.

"I got told I had to upload a photo of this. Almost a month ago, Microsoft sent out launch kits for Windows Vista & Office - being a distributor and OEM we received these kits. They came with the usual stuff, information brochures, lanyards with info sheets but also surprisingly they came with lollipops too - and they're tasty! No, they don't kill you they may however be, like any Microsoft product, susceptible to viruses. Interestingly enough after Microsoft did such a fine implementation of UAC (User Account Control) in Vista, they seemed to have forgotten about it in the lollipop and you're not asked every 5 to 10 seconds if you're intentionally trying to eat it or if you meant to take the wrapper off. Finally, a Microsoft product that lets you get on with it," revealed Chris Boulton on his blog.

Almost a month ago, for Chris was actually January 2007, I don't know how I managed to miss this, but I guess it's better late then never. And you simply cannot go wrong with the Vista lollipop. It's full of sugar, glucose, citric acid, flavor and colors, meaning it comes with multiple and diverse features, functions, capabilities and nuances, just like the operating system. And with its own transparent graphical user interface complete with glass effects. You think that's just a wrapper? Think again, it's the new Windows Vista Aero interface for the lollipop.