With a wave of your hand, the star fighters will soar

Feb 10, 2014 12:53 GMT  ·  By

Force telekinesis is a power often found in Star Wars games and films, but never in real life. At least, that was the case until recently.

ITP student Sagar Mohite has just fulfilled the dream of many nerds and science fiction enthusiasts.

Using a 3D printed Incom T-65 X-Wing Fighter, a re-purposed Kinect and some magnets, he made it possible to get objects flying with a wave of your hand.

Well, at least he made it possible for the X-Wing Fighter to fly when he waved his hand.

The levitation is accomplished through a combination of permanent magnets and some electromagnets.

The setup can be seen in action in the video embedded above. Feel free to gush over it to your heart's content.

The reason it's possible to make the object fly according to your gestures is that the motor under the table can move in the indicated direction.