Georgi Readman has been on a noodle-only diet for 13 years

Apr 12, 2013 11:03 GMT  ·  By

An 18-year-old girl from the Isle of Wight in the U.K. never eats anything else but noodles, becoming hooked on Ramen 13 years ago.

Georgi Readman's diet consists of noodles exclusively as a result of what can be described as an addiction, NY Daily News reports. She cannot stand fruit and vegetables, so her diet is made out of carbs only.

In total, she consumes approximately 30 miles (48 km) of noodles every year, and usually chows down two packs per serving, even eating them raw.

“I hate the texture of fruit and vegetables. [...] I can’t go to my friends' for dinner or go out for meals because I don’t want them to see me freak out if the side salad touches the stuff I eat,” she explains.

Doctors believe that she suffers from an eating disorder that makes her be very selective with her food choices. The rare disorder affects children and persists as they grow up.